The 6 Types of Cigar Smokers

The 6 Types of Cigar Smokers

The Social Smoker


The Social Smoker - 6 Types of Cigar Smokers


You might be a social smoker if you only smoke cigars with friends or family. You don’t have an ashtray at home because you’re always driving to your favorite lounge to take up an empty chair.  You may not even have a cutter or lighter because wherever you go, someone usually has both waiting for you.  Regardless of where you light up, though, one thing’s for sure: smoking alone just doesn’t do it for you.

The Ego Smoker


The Ego Smoker - 6 Types of Cigar Smokers


You might be an ego smoker if you use cigars to boost your image, only smoke a certain brand, or allow social media to dictate what you’ll be smoking next. You’ve never smoked a cigar under a certain price range (at least not in public) because it doesn’t convey the message you’re sending.  Life is a game where the points do matter, and you’ll be damned if you’re not cashing out early.

The Occasional Smoker


The Occasional Smoker - 6 Types of Cigar Smokers


You might be an occasional smoker if you only smoke when you celebrate such as holidays, birthdays, promotions, or weddings. You enjoy cigars when the occasion presents itself, but you may not have a humidor at home to scratch the itch when it arises.

The Trendy Smoker


The Trendy Smoker - 6 Types of Cigar Smoker


You might be a trendy smoker if you like to smoke the hottest things on the market without developing a preference for routine cigars. You go where the wind blows, and if it’s not on the hype train right now it’s beneath your attention. It’s not about your image, it’s about soaking up the best of what the cigar culture has to offer.  Your newsfeed is reserved for popular boutiques, hard to find Cuban cigars, limited editions, and the brands everyone wishes they had.

The Cigar Enthusiast


Cigar Enthusiast - 6 Types of Cigar Smokers


You might be a cigar enthusiast if you like to sample wide varieties of brands and styles, refuse to judge a cigar by its band, and keep abreast of current trends without becoming completely absorbed. You know the lingo, understand personal preference, and take time to educate others so that they can have the best experience.  No cigar is safe from your lighter, no matter how humble or majestic its origin.

The Collector


The Collector - 6 Types of Cigar Smokers


You might be a collector if your cigar collection far exceeds your ability to smoke them. Sure, you smoke cigars – but you know that there are some in your collection that you’ll never cut and light.  You probably enjoy giving your cigars away more than smoking them yourself, likely due to the size of your heart and appreciation for the finer things in life.  To you, collecting cigars is just as fun as smoking them.


Do you identify with any of these types of cigar smokers?  Or, did you break the mold?

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11/30/2017 8:35 PM
My collection of cigars is way more than I can smoke. But eventually, they'll get smoked. I do like gifting cigars to other enthusiasts. I've found that the small batch and boutique cigars are usually some of the best I've had.
12/7/2017 2:55 PM
On average I smoke two cigars a day. While on occasion I do experiment I can confidently say I am most pleased with two labels; Padrons and Davidoffs. Between those two labels my selection may vary on size and strength but I am completely satisfied to where if I never tried any others I am absolutely content.